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Cleaning & Exams

Located in East Jordan, MI
Located in East Jordan, MI
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Cleaning and Dental Exams for the Entire Family

Protect Your Teeth With Regular Visits to Your Dentist

The best line of defense against tooth decay and other dental issues is prevention. It's recommended that you visit your family dentist twice a year for cleaning and an examination. Contact Access Dental East Jordan to have your teeth cleaned and checked.

All exams include diagnostic x-rays, oral cancer screening, gum disease evaluation, checking for tooth decay, and examining any existing restoration.

Professional Cleaning Twice a Year to Protect Your Health

All adults should visit their dentist twice a year to maintain their oral health. Infants should see a dentist when their first tooth appears and no later than their first birthday. After that, they should visit a dentist at least twice a year just like adults.

We use high-velocity equipment with a spray coolant that removes tartar and built-up calculus. This helps to prevent periodontal disease and to maintain your oral health.
Dental Exam

Oral Hygiene Services

  • Gentle dental exams - Comprehensive oral health examinations
  • Infant / toddler exams - Initial examinations to detect tooth decay early
  • Digital x-rays - Fast, efficient, and modern x-rays
  • Dental cleaning - Professional cleaning services eliminate tartar and calculus
  • Share a smile - Our patient referral program
Call Us to Schedule Your Appointment!
Your comfort is our first concern!
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